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Who I Am

Short Bio
Elis Gjoni was born on 1988 in the city of Puka Albania. From his childhood he moved to live in Tirana, where he finished his studies at Artistic Liceum “Jordan Misja”. After several challenges, in 2009 begins his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts (today University of the Arts), where he graduates in 2014 majoring in Atelierin e Multimedia-s. During his studies he has had several artistic experiences, participating in several exhibitions locally and internationally. He has also been an accomplice in the theater, in short films, workshops, documentaries and television.
Elis Gjoni has developed a fairly authentic language video media and installation in particular, giving objects that he uses a character that transforms them into subjects that self-confess. He is one of those young artists that deserve attention, because his first steps are really qualitative.
Currently he lives in the U.S.A.

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 Participating in collective exhibition

Soros foundation Dokumentary "8 minuta udhetim" 2013

Femrat movie Second Unit Director or Assistant Director An albanian farce/comedy about women and men and their problems Director: Rudina Vojvoda Writer: Koloreto Cukali 2013

Ambelonas corfu Greece Exhibition "Janis Ricos"2012

Art contact the end and the beginning 2014

Atelie exhibition FAP gallery Tirane Albania "Burim i zi" 2010

Tirana Film festival "The last journey"2014

48 hour film project Tirana " Twins" winners the best movie and director 2013

Animart Monodendri Greece workshop and exhibition 2014

Tiranaopen Pamur exhibition "double gravity" 2015

Visually Impaired initiative is an art form center, established in February 2014, with headquarters in Tirana, which aims to encourage and support artistic creativity in the field of visual arts, aiming a wide cooperation and more quality with all those people of art (artists, scholars, curators, managers, directors of galleries, etc.) that are interested in a climate more productive artistic, without those clichés, conventions or stereotypes that more than anything else cause divisions and cramps which translated as barrier walls and partitions; therefore, it was one of the main reasons that our initiative was named visual.Visual product's first annual international competition " Danish Jukniu ".

Albanian monodrama competes in Austrian festival "Faust from Tirana" Multimedia 2014

N'shpi exhibition "history" 2014

The Uncertainty Principle FPAC Gallery Boston "Vane" The Uncertainty Principle: An Exhibition About Chance, Wonder, & Quantum Mysteries, curated by Renée Ricciardi.  2017

Screenwriters Competition NY THE-BAG-ELIS-GJONI nilproduction 2017


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Multimedia, video art installation



The University of Arts, (UART), is a public institution of higher education with artistic character in Albania, which offers Bachelor Degree for the first cycle of studies, “Master of Science”/ “Master of Art”, “Professional Master Degree”, “Integrated Master Degree”, in Music, Fine Arts, and Scenic Art.

Established in 1966, the Higher Institute of Arts put together three artistic institutions: the State Conservatory of Tirana, School of Fine Arts, and High School of Actors "Alexander Moses". In 1990, according to the changes in the education system, the Higher Institute of Arts was established at a University level and was named “Academy of Arts".

According to the DCM nr. 234, dated 23.03.2011, University of Arts was established on the foundations of the Academy of Arts, maintaining unchanged the structure of its Faculties.

University of Arts has three faculties:

- Faculty of Music
- Faculty of Fine Arts
- Faculty of Performing Arts

Its main purpose is to offer higher professional education and creative activities in the field of art and culture, to deepen the professional qualification of scientific specialist in the field of art and culture, as well as contribute to improving democracy and civilization standards. The entire path for over 40 years of the University of Arts has been a systematic growth path for the specialties, also the implementation of the Bologna Card in the recent year had it’s own importance.

Admissions at the University of Arts are realised only by means of competition, the criteria of which have their specifics about the required specialty. Currently in its auditoriums study 947 students, who are led by a teaching staff of 386 assistants, pedagogues, associate professors and professors, of which 119 are part of the internal academic staff of UART.

Teaching Troops and collaborators of the Faculties are well-known names in the areas where they operate - musicians, painters, sculptors, movie and theater or television filmmakers, actors, set designers and choreographers - with deep and extensive knowledge in theory and in practice. Most of them have received art awards for special contributions and creative works.

The internal environments of the University of Arts as studios, Atelier, auditoriums, Great Hall of Concerts, "Çesk Zadeja" Hall, Experimental Theatre "Black Box", Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Library, create an interactive relationship, where students have the opportunity to study in a specialized environment and get engaged in creative works too. The Artists educated in this institution constitute a generation force in the Albanian cultural life.

The Collaboration and the ongoing contacts with Schools and Academies of Art in Europe and beyond, being a membership of the International Organisation of Art Institutions and the active participation in activities of international workshops have contributed to the introduction and use of new teaching methods.

Strengthening institutional links with the European Academy of Art and universities is a priority of the current stage of the University of Arts.


University of Arts
Boulevard " Dëshmoret e Kombit ", Square " Nënë Tereza "
Tirana, Albania



Multimedia is contet  that uses a combination of different contet forms  such as text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive content. Multimedia contrasts with media that use only rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material.
Multimedia can be recorded and played, displayed, interacted with or accessed by information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live performance. Multimedia devices are electronic media devices used to store and experience multimedia content. Multimedia is distinguished from mixed media in fine art; for example, by including audio it has a broader scope. The term "rich media" is synonymous with interactive multimedia..


Video art and installation are the techniques that I have stopped and I am experimenting in different expressions, thoughts feelings and touching. Mechanic movements of objects throught electricity gives me an internal satisfaction, I feel the creation of the object from non existing into existing. The biography and the instinct are my most important columns inside me. I come from an expressive biography, full of events and features, I come back from time to time and I find old marks like in a canvas, I return them in the most minimalist way possible. Object with no value, are the ones are the ones that wake my instinct up through changing them into valuable ones, maby not exactly as they used to be but a new face of movements and concepts. Most of my work I have found in different situations, through working in building houses, through studies, travelling, shooting movies, meeting other people who poke you emotionally. A lot of this work contains naivity, courage, pression and you go into a new space like a double gravity. the aim of my

concepts is to go exactly

where it is thought there is nothing to discover.

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Elis Gjoni  2013

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Double Gravity

Elis Gjoni  2015

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interactiv room

Elis Gjoni  2014

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Elis Gjoni  2015

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Elis Gjoni 2013

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Elis Gjoni 2014

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Menopause 2013

Elis Gjoni  2015

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vane 2017

Elis Gjoni  

Fort Point Arts Community

300 Summer St Ste M1, Boston, Massachusetts 02210

The Uncertainty Principle: 
An Exhibition About Chance, Wonder, & Quantum Mysteries, curated by Renée Ricciardi.

The Uncertainty Principle features photography-based work by emerging artists in the New England area.
According to The Uncertainty Principle of Quantum Psychics, it is impossible to measure two properties of a quantum object (such as its position and momentum) simultaneously. 

The Uncertainty Principle explores the intentionality and deliberateness of photography, and how it relates to the unknown. The show explores the amount of control we have in artmaking, and how much of the creation of a photograph results in accidental splendor.

“Much of photography is precise and measurable and this show features the balance between knowing part of the equation and never truly knowing it’s end product. Like the quantum theory, there is a limit to what can be known and measured at the same moment in time. Photography has a way of rendering magic, creating incalculable splendor that is at once impossible to place.” - From the Curator, Renée Ricciardi

Event is free & open to the public. 
Wine and light refreshments will be served.

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